We Are Family

What is the Church? Who is the Church? Some say, “The Church is full of hypocrites…” Who are the people of God’s Church - of Trinity? “This is Us” is a sermon series that takes an honest (warts and all) look at “Us” – the people who comprise the Body of Christ. Today, we consider that we are a [...]

By |2018-09-24T09:00:55-05:00September 24th, 2018|This Is Us|Comments Off on We Are Family

I Love My Church, pt. 2

Why be a Christian? Why be a disciple? There are so many “fun” options in life, why commit to a church? Jesus says that there is something out-of-this-world that His church offers. Nobody else offers this gift. He gave His life that we might have it. Jesus is why I love my Church. John 10:11-18 Pastor Anders Davidson [...]

By |2018-09-17T09:04:21-05:00September 17th, 2018|Trinity Waconia|Comments Off on I Love My Church, pt. 2

I Love My Church

So many people from Trinity say to us, “I love my Church.” But why? Trinity is not a social club, healthy option, or a way to stay out of hell. Trinity is the Body of Jesus Christ - the Church. We are about the mission of Jesus Christ – making disciples. That means God loves the Church, and Trinity. [...]

By |2018-09-17T09:04:56-05:00September 10th, 2018|Trinity Waconia|Comments Off on I Love My Church


“Ephphatha” – In our Gospel lesson for today Jesus opens the ears of a deaf man. He enables him to speak clearly. Jesus looks up into heaven and with a deep sigh said to the man, “Be opened.” Sometimes we have heard the Call of God so often that we are deaf to it. We don’t think that there [...]

By |2018-09-17T09:05:16-05:00September 4th, 2018|Mark|Comments Off on Ephphatha