The Giver of Bling

Jesus loves me and wants me to have good health, great wealth, and success. While this is true about Jesus, what happens when I get sick? Struggle financially? Find success elusive? Does that mean that God does not love me? Should I stop pursuing these things-the “bling” of this world? Jesus spoke more about our wealth and worldly success [...]

By |2019-03-25T08:47:30-05:00March 25th, 2019|Twisted Jesus|Comments Off on The Giver of Bling

The Option

It’s through Jesus we get to go to heaven. We see the cross and the empty tomb and we see hope for us. Still, though, as long as a person is sincere and does well, they can believe in any god and make it to heaven. After all, a loving God would allow for many paths to accommodate the [...]

By |2019-04-15T21:44:46-05:00March 18th, 2019|Twisted Jesus|Comments Off on The Option

The Buddy

Jesus is our friend, but is that all that He is? Does He simply cheer us on without ever challenging us? Does Jesus most desire our comfort and security…for us to be happy? The trouble with limiting Jesus to this role is that we have a non-Biblical/false understanding of good and evil where “Good” is linked to the comfortable/safe/easy [...]

By |2019-04-15T21:45:02-05:00March 11th, 2019|Twisted Jesus|Comments Off on The Buddy

Mandate vs. Model

In the life cycle of a family, actions more than words ripple effect into the next generation. Jesus has all the power to mandate people to follow Him, yet never once has He. Instead, His life was lived sacrificially for the good of our tomorrows. He models the ultimate impact of life on the next generation of Christ followers. [...]

By |2019-03-04T09:45:46-06:00March 4th, 2019|Tomorrow's Family|Comments Off on Mandate vs. Model