About Anders Davidson

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So far Anders Davidson has created 12 blog entries.

Relate: Speck & the Plank (01-12-2020)

It is so easy to see the faults and weaknesses of another person. It is even easier to comment on them or better yet, to prop ourselves up by focusing on the brokenness of someone else. Jesus gives clear relating advise about this tendency as He reminds us that we are all broken in some way. He is the [...]

By |2020-01-23T13:02:39-06:00January 12th, 2020|Relate|Comments Off on Relate: Speck & the Plank (01-12-2020)

Relate: Do Not Judge (01-05-2020)

Judging is something that destroys relationships. It ruins Christian witnessing. Jesus warned about it often and in the first words of Matthew 7 says very simply and factually, “Do not Judge.” Our response is often, “Help me Jesus, I’m Judgmental.” Matthew 7:1-2 Pastor Phil Wagner

By |2020-01-23T13:05:51-06:00January 5th, 2020|Relate|Comments Off on Relate: Do Not Judge (01-05-2020)