Provide Care
In response to Christ’s perfect love, we are to live like Jesus as we share our lives with others- praying, connecting, and serving. We pray to have open eyes, ears, and hearts to the needs of people around us. We respond with connections of grace, love, and compassion. And we serve according to the gifts and talents we have been given in order that God might be glorified, as we live together in the body of Christ with love and care for one another.
Our Care Ministry Team devotes time in prayer, connection, and service to others, as we strive to have the same mindset as Christ Jesus. With 13 specific care ministries and over 140 volunteers dedicated to walking with others, Trinity offers comprehensive and Christ-centered care to the body of Christ at Trinity. Find where you can serve below!

Prayer Ministry
- Prayer Team
Committing to daily prayer for the confidential petitions of God’s people through weekly emails, post-service prayer time, prayer meetings, and special prayer events throughout the year.
Ministry Leader: Rachel Ash |
| 952-856-1640 - Trinity’s Prayer Page
Committing to daily prayer for the publicly shared petitions of God’s people through the prayer page in the church lobby and Touchpoint Newsletter.
Ministry Leader: Rachel Ash |
| 952-856-1640 - Moms in Prayer
Committing to one hour of prayer each week with other Christian moms who unite to pray for their children and the schools they attend.
Ministry Leader: Alissa McLellan
Stephen Ministry
1:1 confidential, Christian caregiving for individuals who are walking through difficult situations; application and training required
Ministry Leader: Rachel Ash |
| 952-856-1640
Grief Ministry
- Grief Resource Packets
Sent to individuals for the first year following the death of a loved one.
Ministry Leader: Jan Radde - Grief Support Group
(4 weeks) To walk alongside those experiencing grief because of a loss.
Ministry Leader: Jan Radde - Funeral Visitation Team
To serve refreshments and care during families’ visitation prior to the funeral of their loved one.
Ministry Leader: Jan Radde - Funeral Luncheon Team
To serve a catered lunch to families and their guests following the funeral of their loved one; includes LWML/Ruth Guild/Trinity members.
Ministry Leader: Barb Hoernemann
Visitation Ministry
Monthly in-home visits to provide fellowship, God’s Word and Sacraments, and prayer with homebound and/or disconnected members of Trinity. Monthly worship services with communion led by Pastor Alsleben or Pastor Halvorson.
Ministry Leader: Rachel Ash |
| 952-856-1640
Homebound Hospitality
- Care Center Fellowship
Serving refreshments and being in fellowship with homebound members at local care facilities after their worship service once a month.
Ministry Leader: TBD - Caroling
Old fashioned Christmas carols brought to the doorsteps of Trinity homebound members; bussing provided.
Ministry Leader: Tara Hough - Cookie Baking
Fellowship alongside homebound members and other care facility residents while baking cookies together
Ministry Leader: Sue Foley
Meals Ministry
- Care Meals
Provision of meals, as needed, for families experiencing various crises that impact their usual life functioning.
Ministry Leader: Sue Foley - Ash Wednesday Supper
Served between services to the congregation
Ministry Leader: Jan Radde & Carri Foley
Card Ministry
Making and sending of greeting, encouragement, sympathy, birthday, baptism, confirmation cards for members of all ages at Trinity. Supplies and postage provided.
Ministry Leader: Sue Schmidt & Sylvia Gordon
Stitches of Grace Ministry
- Prayer Shawls
Created by hand with love and prayed over to be given to those in crisis.
Ministry Leader: Kathy Ernst - Sewing
Provision of mending and other small sewing projects that aid those who are unable to accomplish on their own.
Ministry Leader: Barb Hoernemann
Pen Pal Ministry
Intergenerational discipleship opportunity for Trinity School students and older members of our congregation through letter-writing and fellowship that is centered on a common relationship in Christ.
Ministry Leader: Carri Foley
Ministry Staff & Faculty Support
- One to one, small group, educational, and training support to those who have been called to furthering God’s Kingdom at Trinity as faculty and staff.
Ministry Leader: Rachel Ash |
| 952-856-1640 - Honor and celebration of faculty and staff birthdays with cards and gift cards, Pastor appreciation month celebrations, etc.
Transportation Ministry
Weekly opportunity to serve others by connecting them with the body of Christ at worship services and fellowship activities through the provision of transportation to church when they are unable to do so themselves.
Ministry Leader: Rachel Ash |
| 952-856-1640
Military Support Ministry
Special recognition and honor of Trinity members on Armed Forces Day for those who are in active service, and on Veterans Day for all those, whether living or deceased, who have served in the military. Additional support for loved ones may also be provided, as needed.
Ministry Leader: Jan Radde
Crisis Care Support
Professional and Christ-centered support through listening, praying, and triaging of care needs to assist members in obtaining the most appropriate support, such as pastoral care, support through one of our existing church ministries, or referrals to outside resources.
Ministry Leader: Rachel Ash |
| 952-856-1640
Receive Care
Learn how we can support, uplift, and journey with you during all seasons of life.