No Saturday Evening Worship on 11/2. Please join us Sunday, 11/3 at 8:15 or 10:45 am!

The James Bible Study (May 27, 2020)

A virtual Bible study led by Pastor Phil | Wednesdays 6:30 pm What a great time to study the book of James! There we learn about living with joy in the midst of trials, growing in our patience, living our faith in a loving way, and expectant praying. Wednesdays at 6:30 pm, Pastor Phil will be leading a [...]

By |2020-05-28T16:20:29-05:00May 28th, 2020|Online Bible Study|Comments Off on The James Bible Study (May 27, 2020)

The James Bible Study (May 20, 2020)

A virtual Bible study led by Pastor Phil | Wednesdays 6:30 pm What a great time to study the book of James! There we learn about living with joy in the midst of trials, growing in our patience, living our faith in a loving way, and expectant praying. Wednesdays at 6:30 pm, Pastor Phil will be leading a [...]

By |2020-05-21T15:30:57-05:00May 21st, 2020|Online Bible Study|Comments Off on The James Bible Study (May 20, 2020)

The James Bible Study (May 13, 2020)

A virtual Bible study led by Pastor Phil | Wednesdays 6:30 pm What a great time to study the book of James! There we learn about living with joy in the midst of trials, growing in our patience, living our faith in a loving way, and expectant praying. Wednesdays at 6:30 pm, Pastor Phil will be leading a [...]

By |2020-05-14T17:43:03-05:00May 14th, 2020|Online Bible Study|Comments Off on The James Bible Study (May 13, 2020)

The James Bible Study (May 6, 2020)

A virtual Bible study led by Pastor Phil | Wednesdays 6:30 pm What a great time to study the book of James! There we learn about living with joy in the midst of trials, growing in our patience, living our faith in a loving way, and expectant praying. Wednesdays at 6:30 pm, Pastor Phil will be leading a [...]

By |2020-05-07T17:06:51-05:00May 7th, 2020|Online Bible Study|Comments Off on The James Bible Study (May 6, 2020)

The James Bible Study (April 29, 2020)

A virtual Bible study led by Pastor Phil | Wednesdays 6:30 pm What a great time to study the book of James! There we learn about living with joy in the midst of trials, growing in our patience, living our faith in a loving way, and expectant praying. Wednesdays at 6:30 pm, Pastor Phil will be leading a [...]

By |2020-04-30T23:09:20-05:00April 30th, 2020|Online Bible Study|Comments Off on The James Bible Study (April 29, 2020)

The James Bible Study (April 22, 2020)

A virtual Bible study led by Pastor Phil | Wednesdays 6:30 pm What a great time to study the book of James! There we learn about living with joy in the midst of trials, growing in our patience, living our faith in a loving way, and expectant praying. Wednesdays at 6:30 pm, Pastor Phil will be leading a [...]

By |2020-04-30T16:05:34-05:00April 30th, 2020|Online Bible Study|Comments Off on The James Bible Study (April 22, 2020)