Upcoming Events at Trinity Church

We invite you to join us for fellowship at Trinity. Take a look at some of the upcoming events and happenings! All are welcome. We look forward to meeting you!

Midweek Lent Worship

March 12 - April 9

Please worship with us this Lenten season. The Sign of Jonah | Midweek Lent Worship Wednesdays, March 12-April 9 | Worship 4:00 & *6:30 pm | Dinner 4:45-6:20 pm March 5 | Ash Wednesday | Turkey Commercials | Servant Life March 12 | "Jonah’s Rebellion" | Chicken Soup & Chili | Care Ministry March 19 [...]

Special Connections Worship Service

March 30 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Trinity Waconia’s Special Connections Ministry offers opportunities for creative and flexible ways of worshiping, learning about God, and growing in faith for individuals with emotional, intellectual, and physical disabilities and their families. Join us for our monthly Special Connections Worship Service on the Last Sunday of every month at 4:00 pm.

Trinity’s Spring Drama

April 4 - April 6

Trinity Drama Club Presents: The Lion The Witch & The Wardrobe! This dramatization of C.S. Lewis' classic work recreates the magical world called Narnia. In this adventure, four siblings discover Narnia as they wander through an old wardrobe and encounter talking animals and a tyrannical White Witch who has cursed the land with eternal winter. [...]

2025 Legacy of Learning: Hoops & Heels Annual Auction & Financial Aid Fundraiser Saturday, April 5 | Doors Open 5:00 pm, Dinner at 6:30 pm | Chaska Event Center Join us for our annual fundraising event supporting Trinity's financial aid fund. Together, we can create opportunities and celebrate the spirit of community and learning that [...]

Youth Lock-In

April 11 @ 5:00 pm - 10:30 pm

Trinity Youth Ministry invites students from 6th-9th grade to a night of fun and games at our half lock-in! Grab a friend and join us for games, worship, and more!! Doors open at 5 pm and the fun doesn't stop until 10:30 pm. Dinner and snacks will be provided. * First 30 students registered get [...]

Holy Week Worship

April 13 - April 18

Please join us as we worship our Savior this Holy Week. Palm Sunday | April 13 | *8:15 & *10:45 am Maundy Thursday | April 17 | *6:30 pm (Communion Served) Good Friday | April 18 | 4:00 & *6:30 pm *Watch these services live HERE. Recordings will also be available at the conclusion of [...]

Waconia Community Easter Egg Hunt

April 13 @ 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Nate Matousek State Farm and Trinity Waconia are partnering to host Waconia's 4th Annual community-wide Easter egg hunt with 10,000 eggs! Come join us in City Square Park on Sunday, April 13 for a hoppin' good time! At 12:30pm there will be treats, drinks, and Easter Bunny greetings! The egg hunt will kick off at [...]

He is Risen! Join us as we worship our risen King! Easter Sunrise Service | *6:00 am | Communion served, Worship will begin outdoors Easter Breakfast | 7:00-11:00 am Easter Celebration Worship | *8:15 & 10:45 am | Music led by orchestra, choir, and praise team *Watch these services live at trinitywaconia.org/watch-live. Recordings will also be available at [...]

Church Only Calendar