Men’s Ministry Fellowship Night
December 2, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
This event is for beard-growers and non-beard-growers alike! ALL MEN ARE WELCOME! While the beard competition judging will happen as part of the evening (your help may be requested to judge them), we will also be having a devotion, eating some Jimmy John’s subs, hanging out with other men from the congregation, eating sides (you’re welcome to bring food to share!), going over the current state of men’s ministry, eating desserts (the more, the merrier!), going over the future ideas for men’s ministry, EATING. GOOD. FOOD., and discussing what the men of Trinity want/need out of a men’s ministry program.
I would strongly encourage you to attend this event to learn more about what we have to offer here at Trinity and where we would like to go with men’s ministry. I think it is a crucial aspect of the faith life that men gather together to get to know one another deeper, mentor each other in the faith and in family life, and to just be a tight knit, male community as the Body of Christ.
A Friendly Men’s Ministry Competition!
Commit to letting your beard grow for the month of November. The competition begins October 31st any time after 5pm. Once you shave your face, send a photo to Jeramy Willis. On December 2nd, we will gather for a men’s night. During this gathering, winners will be selected for Longest Beard, Thickest Beard, Most Unique Color of Beard, Patchiest Beard, and People’s Choice Beard. Suggested donation entry fee: $10. The total funds raised will go to Timber Bay. For more info or to register check out the link below, and prepare to grow!
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