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Nate Matousek State Farm and Trinity Waconia are partnering to host Waconia’s 4th Annual community-wide Easter egg hunt with 10,000 eggs!

Come join us in City Square Park on Sunday, April 13 for a hoppin’ good time! At 12:30pm there will be treats, drinks, and Easter Bunny greetings! The egg hunt will kick off at 1 pm with kids divided into 3 groups. Raffle basket giveaway announced immediately following the hunt.

There will be donations collected to support Waconia’s food shelf, Gather & Grow. All donations greatly appreciated. The food shelf is currently in need of diapers, especially sizes 4-6.

Special Section Available! For those with emotional, intellectual, and physical disabilities, we invite you to hunt for eggs in a designated area hosted by Trinity’s Special Connections Ministry.

Happy Hunting!

Easter Worship at Trinity
Sunday, April 20 | 6:00 am (Sunrise Service), 8:15 am, 10:45 am
Easter Breakfast | 7:00-11:00 am

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