Holy Week Worship
Trinity Worship Center 601 East 2nd. St., WaconiaPlease join us as we worship our Savior this Holy Week. Palm Sunday | April 13 | *8:15 & *10:45 am Maundy Thursday | April 17 | *6:30 pm (Communion Served) Good Friday | April 18 | 4:00 & *6:30 pm *Watch these services live HERE. Recordings will also be available at the conclusion of the service so you [...]
Waconia Community Easter Egg Hunt
City Square Park South Spruce Street, WaconiaNate Matousek State Farm and Trinity Waconia are partnering to host Waconia's 4th Annual community-wide Easter egg hunt with 10,000 eggs! Come join us in City Square Park on Sunday, April 13 for a hoppin' good time! At 12:30pm there will be treats, drinks, and Easter Bunny greetings! The egg hunt will kick off at 1 pm with kids [...]
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