Give B.A.C.
Trinity’s Capital Campaign
Ensuring warmth and comfort for years to come
Thank you for your personal involvement, prayerful encouragement, and financial support in the ministries of Trinity. Join us in the “Give B.A.C.” (Boiler.Air.Conditioning.) Capital Campaign, a 10-month sprint from December 2023 to September 2024, as we seek to raise $1,000,000 to replace our aging 1968 steam boiler with more efficient hot water units.
Where We Are & Where We’re Going
- Manufactured & Installed 1968
- Life expectancy 25-30 years (Boiler) & 20-25 years (Air Handlers)
- Maintenance Cost: $15-25,000/year plus operating expenses
- Estimated yearly savings of $20,000 in utilities, maintenance, & energy costs
The Details
The Capital Campaign
We are asking for your support in replacing Trinity’s 1968 steam boiler that is currently 30 years past it’s life expectancy. Our Capital Campaign, “Give B.A.C.” (Boiler/Air Conditioning), is seeking to raise an even $1,000,000 to replace our existing boiler, remove asbestos from the boiler room, and add air conditioning to the parts of the facility that do not yet have it. We plan to replace our current boiler with a couple of more efficient hot water units so that we can ensure that the church remains warm during those cold Minnesota winters for decades to come.
Why Air Conditioning?
Our current HVAC system is divided into seven zones. Two of those zones currently have air conditioning. We are adding air conditioning to the remaining five zones, which include the sanctuary and fellowship hall areas, exterior offices and school entryway, TWCC, Kingdom Kids, meeting rooms, and several other classrooms. The cost to air condition these areas during this project is significantly less than if we were to come back at a later time and accounts for less than 15% of the overall cost of the project.
Supporting the Campaign
The Capital Campaign
“Give B.A.C.” will run December, 2023 – September, 2024. Please keep our congregation, staff, and leadership in your prayers throughout that time.
Raising the $1,000,000 needed for this project will be a 10-month sprint. And we are asking for your support. Whether it be a one-time gift, 10 monthly gifts (for the length of the campaign), or ongoing support until the project is paid for, we ask that you prayerfully consider supporting “Give B.A.C.”
Current Giving at Trinity
Click on the below chart to get a snapshot of yearly giving per household at Trinity.