Music & Arts at Trinity
Music is core to the worship experience here at Trinity. Whatever your musical preference, there is a style for everyone. We also place a high value on other artistic expression and technical excellence. Whether you are interested in singing in the choir, auditioning for the praise team, joining the media team, or using your other artistic gifts for the glory of God, we’d love to hear from you! Email us, call us, or drop by the Connections Center this weekend and we’ll get in touch with you.

Praise Team
The praise team is a group of auditioned vocalists and musicians who lead the congregation in worship at our late service on a rotational basis. This group is responsible for additional rehearsals at church, as well as individual practice outside of church. These musicians play an important role in leading these times of worship.

The choir is a group of vocalists who lead the congregation in worship periodically (usually 1-2x a month) throughout the year. This group meets on Wednesday evenings starting each Fall and sings through the first part of Summer. These singers play an important role in leading both congregational and special music during our early service.

Technical Arts
The technical arts and media ministry plays a central role in our worship services and other events through audio, video, and lighting. This ministry is a crucial part of our weekly services and events at Trinity.

Visual Arts
The Trinity community values many different forms of artistic expression. We have featured paintings, pottery, photography, and much more in and around our facility as yet another way enhance our worship.